ORS: Rifle River State Recreation Area

Rifle River State Recreation Area On runs, sentences... Rifle River State Recreation Area is massive. A full circuit of the area’s trail system would require the stamina of an ultra-runner or a sturdy, single-track-ready bicycle. A quick glance at the trail map and distance intervals between numbered locations reveals as much. Perhaps more revealingly, the worker who greeted me at the park’s main entrance on my first visit May 12 seemed unaccustomed to runners looking for the best parking area near a trailhead. “Are you looking for hills?” That sounded great, I said. The normal day-use lot was closed for maintenance, they said, but the lot near the Devoe Lake boat launch would suffice. Navigational challenges and anxieties at RRSRA are unlike trail systems that overlap or abut vast tracts of state land, or those complicated by plethoras of interior side-trails and intersections. Instead, long segments of trail open into sprawling camping and gathering spaces and parking lots. On a f...